2012 m. balandžio 27 d., penktadienis

Top 5 watercraft 3D models

Fishing boat 3D model by tartino.

Price 80$.

Harbour Tug 3D model by 3Dships.

Price - 49$.

Junk Chinese sailing vessel ship 3D model by deespona (Watercraft).

Price - 35$.

Sacred barge 3D model by DAZ 3D.

Price - 16,95$.

Earthrace boat 3D model by Gandoza.

Price - 95$.

2012 m. balandžio 26 d., ketvirtadienis

TurboSquid's Custom 3D services

If you can't find desired 3D model from various marketplaces, there's an option to order the model you wish on TurboSquid - monster of 3D models. They offer for everyone Custom 3D services and are waiting for requests.

What can you get from this service. First, you can order new 3D model for their 3D modeling team to create. Second, if there is a wish, the models from TurboSquid can be changed and adapted depending on the request. Third, give 3D model for them to set camera, lighting and rendering.

Of course, if you want to make the changes for existing 3D model on TurboSquid, you need to buy it and then send a request. The prices of services depend on the model's difficulty and similar things. Read whole information on TurboSquid.

2012 m. balandžio 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Upload 3D models and win cash

3D model marketplace CGTrader announced a competition for 3D modelers. All you need to do is to register to CGTrader's website and upload your 3D models.

There left only few days, so be in a hurry if you want to win the nomination of Best 3D Stock Seller. Another nomination is Best 3D Model for Sale.

The winners will get a big amount of cash and credits. So go there and show the best models you have.

For more information visit CGTrader's website.